Today is Saturday, the somthing of August, just another blazing hot and humid day in South Korea. My contract is up in November, and it seems miles and yet inches away. I can't wait to see my family and friends. I miss all of you so much.......
My gay friend Mathew took the time to videotape my performance at my friend's wedding last week so I thought I should show you guys. The sound is messed up, because my boy John and I were supposed to mix the two songs with backing vocals and lead vocals, but the Korean soundmixers didn't understand. So, basically it's me in front of 500 Koreans (my biggest and most lavish gig ever). If you listen carefully, you can hear me speaking Korean to everyone before and after the the way....the SECOND song is the one I was supposed to sing, it's called "Thank You" . I think the sound on the second song is better..........................................................Please let me know what you's a little piece of Korea that I'm sending home...