Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmern (South Korea)

I've been cooking up a storm over here and incorporating and utilizing some pretty significant cuizine strategies. Korean food has definately been "underrated" in America. I've been here for almost nine months and I'm still sick of "General Cho's Chicken," the classic and very stereotypical Chinese Food.

Korean food is phenomenal. But...............there are certain things I won't eat here. Like most of the shit Andrew Zimmern is eating in the subsequent video below. I love Sushi, but I won't eat raw and wiggling octopus, or Dog, or Bugs. So this one goes out to Dan and my Dad. Only because some girl came up to me last week and said that I look like Andrew Zimmern. I think I need to grow my goatee back...................................................This is not for the faint of heart..............


dannyboy said...

love that episode bro. Kayla is saying hi Uncle Chris right now as she moves the mouse!Skype us -Danny boy

DAD said...

hey Andrew,good to see you on the food network.That food still looks good when Andrew smacks his lips and the squid is worming in his mouth.WHAT PEOPLE DO FOR A MEAL!

Dannnyboy said...

Anything for a piece of squid. I Would love to eat that crazy stuff. If I was there you know you would be eating all that crazy food. KIMCHI-Dannyboy