Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alright alrigh alright. I am making my way in this crazy town, and work is very interesting. Very laid back compared with New York schools. Actually, as I am known to be a laid back kind of guy, and hold a Masters Degree in English (did I mention that before..lol.) It looks like some smooth sailing. Organization will be the only challenge I see coming. The school is nice (3-4 floors) and I will be posting some pictures of these adorable and absolute genious students. As I've said before (what me repeat myself?), these kids know more about the world and everything in it and around it than I did at the ripe age of 12. The thing is, they are 5-7 (I observed my younlings today). No big deal right. So they're a lot smarter and razor sharp with responses about anything. The catch is, they are not fricking native English speakers. They are Korean and can speak, pronounce, understand, and are actually learning how to "master" the English language. This may seem undescribable but they actually "think" in English. I hope that makes sense for the layman. Bottom line-I am absolutely impressed with all the classes I observed and hope these students have a bright future and will use this language they are learning for something. They can spell better than almost all of my former students from New York. Not really a big deal unless you consider the age difference and fact that they are Koreans. They are better at our language than the students in America, and I'ts not thier native tongue. What's more is that they have personality. You all know that goes a long way in my book.One student today quizzed me on the ecomical downfall of the United States, the sub-prime loan scandal and what it's fallout would be. He's 6. (no I kid but you get the picture). I felt so welcomed today as they were walking up the stairs I heard "Chris teacher, you coming to my class again today. Please?" This little bugger looked so funny and cute. He had on the what I guess is the YBM ECC uniform. Grey vest and pants that have a little YBM log on the vest. These kids are friendly and I know I have truly found my calling as a teacher. It's funny because my nephews and nieces showed me passion for working with kids. Thanks guys.

The city of Seoul makes New York City look like a younger brother. I live near the Lotte World Department Complex and it is just absolutely phenomenal. The people in this city----I never told anyone before I left, but I had heard they actually were a little racist (like that elder woman on my first night that I had to "persuade" a drink from with jetlag stubborness.), but I am so happy to hear "anyonghaseyo" when I walk in a restaurant, and they take their time with you about ordering food and everything. They generally are a unique people and I think this is all going to lead somewhere. I'm a pretty friendly guy myself. I'm soo happy right now. I can't believe I left all of you 8,000 miles away. Comment on my blog. It means the world to me. Also, there are going to obviously be good, great, OK, and horrible blogs. Last night I woke up at 2 am with 2 hours of sleep (Jetlag is a literal nightmare). I've been up since. I wrote some crazy furucking emails with doubt laced upon them, and mustered up the courage to complete the day in pain and misery, but nonetheless successfully. I came home to my apartment/shoebox and am venting right now. It's a beautiful thing. This blog has actually given me so much outlet. It is truly helping me. Anyways, I could write for hours (see, you all said I should be an English teacher but never expected the responsibility of the stack of papers....lol... personal joke) Tomorrow's lesson for my readers is how to stay alive while walking around Seoul. Cars, buses, bikes, motorcycles, people, children and pets will all be out to get you. I swear to God. These people make New York drivers look like Morgan Freeman in Driving Miss Daisy. Unbelievable.

My co-workers are very chill. The guys are from all around America and the girls are all from Korea and have studied in America. I't so cool to see the various ranges of teachers and hear about their different stories of their journey from the U.S. to South Korea. We all share a common bond (I would like to believe) in the fact that we left everything in search of something. The reasons vary and are quite interesting. I still can't believe I am here and have a million things I want to tell everyone about.

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