Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New Messiah of the United States of America

So, history has been made. Obama is the first African-American to become President of the U.S.A. On my way to the voting poll I actually had second thoughts on voting for him (as I am a Republican), but I think the economy and our foreign policy need a Democrat right now. So, I put aside my differences, and as a true American have to back up the Big Man in the White House. So here's to the Messiah/Antichrist. He'll truly become one or the other. God bless America. We need it right now.

As far as my anxiousness goes, I did'nt sleep to well last night. I think the dream I had definitely made me pumped to embark on my journey. I can't go into all the crazy details (I have some crazy dreams all the time, as I''m sure we all do). It did involve, however, a cage around my head and me wishing to get out of it. Freud could have a field day. I think it's a metaphor for my readiness to go face the world and become what I need to. Let's leave it at I have a lot to do before I leave, so let me get to it. Good luck Obama. I defiinitely would not want your job right now, but with that vote I gave you I expect a lot.

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