Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Great Farewell

Well This will be my last post before I leave for Seoul on Friday. This past weekend was my "farewell" party where I hung out with my friends and family at the Irish Times Pub, had some good food at my house, and then went to my brother Bry's with everyone and had a campfire until the wee hours of the morning. It was quality stuff.

Right now I'm off to meet my family to "break bread" one last time before I leave for this logically expert yet crazy journey I have gotten myself into. The airlines said I can bring 2 fifty pound bags and a carry on. I'm going to be living over there for a year so that's like putting "me" into a lunchbox. I'm wishing myself luck.

The rest of the week has been bittersweet. Saying goodbye to everyone and knowing that I will not see them for a long time. I'm keeping strong, and I know that a phenomenal world changing, life adjusting, crazy Korean adventure awaits me. Seoul is my oyster and I plan to schuck it. No, I said schuck it.

"Wherever you go, there you are"" -Some brilliantly simplistic philosopher

1 comment:

DevBot and Pillowhead said...

Devin says, "I love you, Chris. I hope your havin fun teaching school and I miss you. Can't wait to challenge you in Call of Duty 5 (Daddy bought it.... It's sick)." Aiden says, "Cookie Monster rules almost as much as you do." Your most awesome sister says, "Go get em, Chris! We are here cheering you on, brother." Bry says, "I'm proud of you." And we all say, "LOVE YOU!"